Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
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Icon plague Plagues are a gameplay mechanic which occur in campaign mode in the Total War: Warhammer series.

Overview[ | ]

Plague is a sickness that negatively affects settlements and armies. Spreading plagues is currently a campaign mechanic for Beastmen Beastmen, Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos, World Walkers Norsca, Nurgle Nurgle, Skaven Skaven and Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos. Plagues can also be spread by Cathayan Caravans.

Spreading Plagues[ | ]

Norsca[ | ]

When playing Norsca and gaining max Bullet nor godsallegiance with the Norse god crowCrow, a plague will affect the campaign map.

Skaven[ | ]

In Total War: Warhammer II, Skaven factions can spread plague using the special Pestilent Scheme Priest hero unit, who is summoned via The Pestilent Scheme Icon minor ritualsrite. He can choose to spread plague to a single settlement before dying.

Each turn, there is a chance that the plague will spread, to infect a neighbouring settlement.

If an army ends its turn in the local region of an infected settlement, there is a chance the plague will infect the army.

If an army attacks an infected settlement, the army has a chance to become infected.

If an infected army moves to a settlement, the settlement becomes infected.

Each turn, each infected army or settlement has a chance to be cured. On average, an army/settlement will be infected for 6 turns. However, if plagues keep spreading around then they can in theory last indefinitely, though statistically this chance is very small.

Infected settlements suffer the following effects:

Infected armies suffer the following effects:

  • Massive Icon attritionattrition (even on Legendary).

Clan Pestilens[ | ]

While initially behaving the same as other Skaven factions in how their Plagues worked, Clan Pestilens has been updated several times to make their Plagues more useful and powerful. This changes include:

  • Clan Pestilens unlocks the Rite of Pestilence when constructing a Pox Cauldron instead of a Pestilent Nave like other factions.
  • -15 turn cooldown for the Rite of Pestilence
  • Clan Pestilens enjoys uniquely large benefits for spreading plagues to their own forces and cities, granting growth and economic benefits for cities and powerful combat bonuses for forces
    • Among this effects includes:
      • Clan Pestilens units will not take attrition damage from Skaven plagues (all Skaven factions)
      • Clan Pestilens units will receive vigour loss reduction when afflicted by Plagues (Clan Pestilens only)
  • Clan Pestilens has access to a special Under-Empire building that continuously spawns a plague in the settlement above
  • The plague can spread to adjacent regions
  • The plague lasts for 2 more turns
  • Lord Skrolk’s plague-spreading chance has been increased to +100% making all his armies and regions have twice the chance of spreading (50%/50%)

Beastmen[ | ]

The Beastmen are able to spread Plague via one of their support building chains available in their Herdstone settlements. The Winds of Malady-Miasmic Rain-Storm of Suffering building chain gives a small chance for a plague to break out at the start of each turn in all regions that belong to that Herdstone's Bloodgrounds as part of their effects. This plagues do not harm Chaos-affiliated races (Norsca, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen.)

Nurgle[ | ]

Spreading Plagues is one of the main racial mechanics for Nurgle factions, to the point that they are even able to upgrade and customize their effects towards friends and enemies. For more information, see the Plague Cauldron.

Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

They can spread Plagues with the Switchable Plagues mechanic by imbuing their armies with plague. These plague can only be spread to other armies and grant bonuses to Daemons of Chaos and Nurgle armies while others receive penalties depending on the plague that was spread.

The Fecundites[ | ]

They have the Plague Cauldron mechanic similar to Nurgle factions, however their plagues are different from Nurgle factions. They can only spread plague on their armies or settlements as they do not have access to the Plague Cultist option in the Cauldron.

Preventing Plagues[ | ]

Lizardmen[ | ]

The Lizardmen's Alignment of Order commandment has the following effects:

  • Reduced chances of a Plagueplague spreading (local armies)
  • Reduced Plagueplague duration

Note that the power of Lizardmen commandments increases and decreases depending on the Geomantic Web. As such, the actual amounts that plagues are reduced by changes.
